Christmas Romper Christmas Trees How you can engage your kids during Christmas Eve

How you can engage your kids during Christmas Eve

How you can engage your kids during Christmas Eve post thumbnail image

As a parent, the Christmas holidays can be a time of stress and anxiety. Not only are you worried about your kids making it through the festivities without getting into trouble, but you also have to deal with your own emotions and tensions.

The good news is that there are ways to help make your family’s Christmas Eve a little easier. Here are pro tips to help you keep things calm and collected during this often stressful time:

Play Games With Your Kids

The best way to engage your child during Christmas Eve is by playing games with them. These games will help them spend time enjoying themselves without getting bored or feeling lonely. You can play any game which interests your child like hide-and-seek or tag etc., or you can play other fun games like skipping rope, hopscotch etc..

Tell stories about Christmas traditions and why we celebrate them

Talk about why Santa Claus brings gifts to children and how he knows who has been naughty or nice. Look at pictures of past Christmases and talk about what happened in those years. Tell them about customs from other countries or from different parts of the United States. You can even look up historical facts online and see if there’s something interesting about Christmas in other parts of the world or even in different centuries.

Read stories together as a family before bedtime (or while they’re getting ready for bed)

This gives everyone an opportunity to relax together before heading off to sleep — but it also helps give kids more insight into their own lives as well as into their parents’ lives.

Get everyone in one place

Christmas is all about spending time with loved ones, so put all of your devices away and do something together! Whether it’s watching movies together or playing board games, having everyone in one place will make it easier for everyone to relax and enjoy themselves.

Set up a scavenger hunt

A scavenger hunt is a fun way to keep your child occupied on Christmas Eve. You can ask them to find specific items or take photos of certain things. You can even give them clues and see how well they solve the puzzles.

Play hide-and-seek

Hide-and-seek is another fun activity you can do with your children on Christmas Eve. They will love it because they get to play tag with their friends while you get some time off from chasing around after them all day long.

Make cookies together

This one works best if you have more than one child as each kid will want to participate in making something special for Santa Claus. You can also let them decorate their own cookies so that they feel like they made something special for him too.

Go Shopping Together

Shopping is one of the best things that you can do with your kids on Christmas Eve. This will keep them busy while you go from store to store looking for gifts for family members and friends. If you plan on doing this, then make sure that there is enough time allocated for this activity because shopping at Christmas time can be very hectic.

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